Before You Go Missional (Repost)

Chris —  March 12, 2013

Due to my closing work of the Fuller MAGL and a lil’ party in Austin called SXSW, I’m reposting some greatest hits.  Enjoy.

A lot of churches want to be missional. The pastor or a denominational is moved by a book or a story they hear at a conference and wants to start changing things. Usually they get stuck on one idea (“we’re for the city!” or “we’re not attractional!”) or something of the like. But if you look back a year or two later, there isn’t always a visible difference, either in their church or their neighborhood.

The problem with words like missional is that they become so ubiquitous that they loose their meaning altogether. To fill the vaccuum, leaders often resort to doing what they’ve always done, only with new branding (“Missional VBS!” “Missional Sunday School!”) Before you can move in a new direction, you need a core group who know where it is they want to go.

Before you try to be missional, get your team to read and pray through the following steps:

Step One
Revisit the story of scripture. Ask some questions like: What is the overall trajectory of scripture, from Genesis to Revelation? Where did we get started? Where are we now? Where are we going?

(You can read the whole article here)

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