Live Tweet Library from First Day of Missio Alliance #FutureGospel

Chris —  April 12, 2013

@DebraHirsch & @DreamAwakener welcoming a crowded room at #FutureGospel

RT @BobHyatt Trying to get the wave going at Missio Alliance. #FutureGospel

RT @Liggin “Worship is both theology and shared experience.” #FutureGospel

RT @donnell Black worship leader to white audience: “This is going to be a bit uncomfortable.” Really! #FutureGospel

RT@zhoag I don’t care if you read my book as long as you buy it. / @@scotmcknight #futuregospel

RT@jpa0325  Eschatology of politics says get the right people on the thrown and everything will be alright @scotmcknight #futuregospel

RT@scottkentjones 18h I’m getting the sense that the Gospel is bigger than personal salvation. I think I’m tracking.#futuregospel

John’s primary language for describing Jesus “bridegroom.” Baucum #FutureGospel

The samaritan woman had 6 men. Jesus was 7th: The one she was always looking for. Baucum #FutureGospel

RT @danwhitejr: Jesus was not a talking head, everything he did was a prophetic act.  #FutureGospel

RT @kevinlum: Never read Paul against Jesus…if Paul makes Jesus violate Scripture, you’re reading Paul wrong. -Tory Baucum #futuregospel

John 16: Jesus says “I’m about to give birth to a whole new humanity.” Baucum #FutureGospel

Marriage is God’s pedagogy for his ultimate design for union with others. Baucum #FutureGospel

The incarnation changes how we see God, ourselves and the other. @DebraHirsch #FutureGospel

The incarnation means God wanted to know us from the inside. @DebraHirsch #FutureGospel

Where you stand determines what you see @DebraHirsch #FutureGospel

Our Church was birthed out of the Burning Man festival @DebraHirsch #FutureGospel

Christology-what we think about Jesus-shapes how we approach everything else. @AlanHirsch #FutureGospel

Our language and churches are laden with false dualisms @AlanHirsch #FutureGospel

Biblical faith is embodied faith, and thereby redeems the body. @AlanHirsch #FutureGospel

How do we read the Bible as a love story? Baucum #FutureGospel

Question of the 21st is Human identity: what does it mean to be made male & female in the image of God? Baucum #FutureGospel

In the NT atonement is more about love & grace, not wrath only @scotmcknight #FutureGospel

We’re great at sitting & listening to a preacher. The gospel of the kingdom requires something greater. @UrbanMysticRVA #FutureGospel

It’s not about the suppression of the orgasm.  It’s about the redemption of the orgasm. @AlanHirsch #FutureGospel

Wouldn’t you like to know the guy who designed the orgasm? @AlanHirsch #FutureGospel

@alanhirsch quoting the ‘Sh’ma’ – if GOD is one – we are to live an integrated life under GOD #futuregospel

“All our vices are virtues gone wrong.” CS Lewis (via @AlanHirsch) #FutureGospel

“The man knocking on the door of a brothel is looking for God.” Chesterton (via @AlanHirsch) #FutureGospel

Spirituality and sexuality are both about being known and loved by the other. @DebraHirsch   #FutureGospel

Jesus is still very human. We need to talk about his humanity in the present tense. Cherith Fee Nordling #FutureGospel

RT @growth_mission: Jesus is still very human. We need to talk about his humanity in the present tense. Cherith Fee Nordling #FutureGospel

The poor will always be with us. When your tired & broken from trying to create justice, Jesus will be the only one still left – Nordling

Salvation means you get to be what you were always meant to be: truly human! – Nordling #FutureGospel

We’ve taught that God loves the world but he doesn’t like it or us & will change it 2 something else. Nordling #FutureGospel

What if God incarnated just because he loves us and wants to hang out? Nordling #FutureGospel

Jesus lives in the space where “already” & “not yet” meet. Nordling #FutureGospel

Jesus isn’t waiting, he’s ruling. When you wake up he’s saying “whatcha wanna do today?” Nordling #FutureGospel

We’ve gotten so gnostic that our souls want to go somewhere our bodies can’t. Nordling #FutureGospel

The Church: A movie preview of what this looks like when we’re all finished. Nordling #FutureGospel

RT @toddhiestand: #FutureGospel petition: give Cherith another hour.

There is something anarchist about following Jesus. @scotmcknight #FutureGospel

RT @watsonopolis Wife is at @missioalliance teaching-I’m home cleaning up my 7 yr old’s vomit telling him it’s ok in the end. #futuregospel

RT @matttebbe: 2 bad “women shouldn’t preach” b/c Cherith Fee-Nordling is TEARING IT UP @missioalliance. #futuregospel

RT @marykatemorse: Cherith Fee Nordling “The gospel is Jesus’ business and he’s doing fine. Will we join him?” #futuregospel

RT @pastoradron: Whoever had @fitchest puts foot in mouth in under 3 minutes. Won the pool. Lol #FutureGospel

There are rules & ideas & feelings that come out, but primarily Scripture is the Grand Drama of God. @Fitchest #FutureGospel

Resolution of the drama: The new urban garden engulfs all empires. @Fitchest #FutureGospel

“Saying Jesus is Lord, that’s imperialist.” Hauerwas responds “I am an imperialist. W/ no power.” @Fitchest #FutureGospel

Never had a convo about Christ where I argued the Bible as truth. Non-Christians aren’t asking yet. @Fitchest #FutureGospel

Neither metaphors “proposition” or “experience” capture the Grand Drama of God. @Fitchest #FutureGospel

Describing scripture as drama allows you to invite people into it. @Fitchest #FutureGospel

Conversion goes from understanding information to entering a new story @Fitchest #FutureGospel

Most of my friends in seminary went on to Pastor “non-black churches.” @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

In the Black Church experience, any time a pastor stands, they have the responsibility to proclaim. @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

If you can’t communicate with a neighbor, you’re making sanctified nonsense. @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

We’ve reached an era when it’s ineffective to say “because the Bible says.” @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

Those who leave our congregations should leave more endeared to the word of God. @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

RT @JR_Briggs ow important is the inaugural Missio Alliance conference? Well, you tell me… #FutureGospel

2 Problems with Topical Sermons lacks biblical foundation & restraint. @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

Do we try to spiritualize the in/effectiveness of our communication? @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

Divine Drama: God is continuously trying to redeem rebels. @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

Bible’s heroes weren’t perfect. Moses: killer; Noah; drinking problem. @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

Preaching should give the congregation the tools you learned in seminary. @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

If I make my bed in Hell, God is STILL in it with me. @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

It’s not Bad News. It’s Good News. Non-Black churches get mad, but we HAVE 2 celebrate Good News @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

It’s a shame to leave church more depressed than when you came @PastorHJW #FutureGospel

The real revolution in China was the people of God becoming the people of God again @alanhirsch #FutureGospel

Are church leaders the Bottleneck in the system @alanhirsch #FutureGospel


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