Friday Round Up: Iron Man, Anarchists and Cmdr. Riker

Chris —  May 10, 2013
  • Iron Man 3 is fantastic. Watch it now.
  • If Superman is Jesus, then Iron Man is Babel.
  • I’ve been waking up without an alarm at 5 am. I don’t know if that means I’ve “finally become a morning person” or if it just means I’m pretty stressed out.
  • Reading a lot of Anabaptist stuff for an independent study course. It’s easy to think they’re sexy because they are pacifists and stay out of politics. But I hadn’t realized how anarchist their ideas are. Fascinating.
  • If you haven’t already, take a moment to read John Ortberg’s eulogy of Dallas WIllard.
  • Constant readers will be happy to learn that I started a subscription to Grammarly.
  • This video of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Commander Riker is an example of how the internet simultaneously celebrates and ruins my childhood.

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