The Problem with (Christian) Politics…

Chris —  June 13, 2013

The Church’s struggle to be perceived as countercultural is directly related to it’s political approach. When the Church uses the tools of the State to enforce Christian their ideals on the broader world, it should be no surprise that the result of this approach is a perception of hypocrisy.


Hypocrisy is not a Christian problem; it’s a human problem. The Christian response to all sin, including hypocrisy, is a combination of discipleship (working towards being less hypocritical) and grace, (an understanding that the Christian will never be fully discipled. In the relationship based context of the local church, this nuanced approach can be navigated.

However, the public political public stage, does not organize itself around discipleship and grace. The inevitable result is that “Christian” political groups highlight their own hypocrisy.

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