Archives For hard times

Hard Times

Chris —  February 16, 2009

Right now, I’m going through what could be called “hard times.”  According to the news, we all are.  

It’s hard because it shows how little I really trust God.  I say I believe in God.  I read my Bible, and claim to believe it’s promises.  The reality of my situation can be scary, and promises “to prosper you” and to clothe you like “the lilies,” even the promise to “bear your yolk” are hard to take seriously.

It’s hard because I want to fix it.   I’m a type-A, take charge kind of guy.  While there is a lot to be said for that, it can only get you so far.  Waiting on the Lord is hard for anybody, but especially those of us who are used to fixing things.

It’s hard because there are no words.  Sincere people try to comfort you when your scared, but,  it often comes across like platitudes from people who have never really faced hard times.

It’s hard because you put off all other hopes  and dreams to deal with reality.  The book I was going to write, the relationship I was going to pursue, the race I was going to train for; all of that seems like it has to be put off.  

How do you deal with hard times?