Archives For Mike Birbiglia

Mike Birbiglia developed a stand up monologue from his strange medical conditions and life failures. This became a hit story on The Moth, then This American Life, Broadway, Hollywood, and now a traveling show. I had the opportunity to see My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend this past Friday. As someone who loves public speaking and hopes to do more of it in the future, it wasn’t just a chance to laugh at a comedian, it was a master class. Here’s five things I learned from about speaking from @birbigs. Continue Reading…

How We Sound to Everyone Else

Chris —  January 19, 2009

Ever wonder what we sound like to outsiders?

EVERYTHING: furniture, lighting, projection, the band, your haircut, your Bible translation, will be evaluated by outsiders who visit your church.  In order to reach our communities, we have to learn to be faithful to God, without sounding elitist, crazy or cheezy.