Comments on: How NOT to Talk to Non-Christians Growth and Mission Mon, 24 Oct 2016 18:04:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Thu, 17 Dec 2009 22:13:18 +0000 For the longest time, I had a real issue with apologetics. I had seen it used too often as a hammer to try to make doubters feel stupid. Greg Boyd’s Letters to a Skeptic helped me realize that apologetics can be quite useful, IF they take place in the context of a relationship. A few weeks ago, Rob Bell said that the universe is an example of God’s graciousness, and if someone doubts God, they should give graciously to those in need. I have a lot more thoughts on this, and should perhaps save them for their own post.

By: Samjones Wed, 16 Dec 2009 16:28:28 +0000 Great post. I do think you should qualify “Doubters don’t need a lecture on apologetics” to “Doubters don’t necessarily need a lecture on apologetics.” Sometimes they do. But as you say, one needs to get to know a person and be attentive. One also needs to know the difference between giving an apologetic, and mere philosophical dogmatism, and remember that actions still speak louder than words (especially in our post-post-modernish culture).
