Comments on: Three Straw Man Arguments for Bi-Vocational Ministry Growth and Mission Mon, 24 Oct 2016 18:04:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: ChrisMorton82 Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:39:55 +0000 AbePh31011 Abe, you’re probably right, but who am I to judge 😉

By: AbePh31011 Thu, 24 Jul 2014 02:54:28 +0000 Hey Chris,
I agree that the X factor in discipleship and evangelism is not having a non-ministry job. Although, I know pastors who don’t fully understand people’s day-to-day lives that aren’t in ministry and therefore seem to have a hard time connecting with them. This is where some “regular” work experience would do a pastor some good. Nevertheless, neither should be held in higher esteem.
I understand a little better now where I think you are coming from and what you are speaking against. Some who, as you said in #3, misunderstand vocation feel that ministers shouldn’t be paid and that they are the same people who probably have a problem with what they would call hierarchical church leadership? The funny thing is, most of those that wrongly elevate bivocational ministry over full-time are in fact full-time in ministry.
Thanks for the chance to chat it through.

By: ChrisMorton82 Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:54:35 +0000 AbePh31011 Thanks for your thoughtful response Abe. Regarding #2, all I am saying is that the moments where you can have these meaningful conversations can happen with co-workers, but they don’t happen because you have a day job. They happen because you’ve found a way to share life with people outside church. Thoughts?

By: AbePh31011 Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:33:27 +0000 Hi Chris,
Thanks for your post. I completely agree that each of these straw men are just that, straw men. Having been bivocational for about 7 years now I have mostly heard these from full-time vocational pastors. In my experience their desire is to identify with and connect with those in their congregation in a way that makes them better pastors. There is a fine intention there, but it is a lack (perhaps) of acceptance of God’s calling on their lives. Maybe God is calling then to go bivocational but maybe not.
I will push back a little on some of what you said below straw man #2, particularly “The best moments for sharing about Jesus don’t come at work.” This hasn’t been my experience and I think it may contradict a bit of what you were correctly saying about vocation under #3. Are relaxed times as you gave examples easier to share in, perhaps, but what if you never get those relaxed times with your coworkers? Evangelism and discipleship should be woven into everything we do, including our work. I would say yes get your work done, but we don’t turn off the love Christ, be who we are in Christ, and talk about Christ switch until we are all sitting comfortably together somewhere.
Thank you for your thoughts here and your efforts in showing us that neither bivocational or vocational ministry is “the thing”.
Blessings in Christ,

By: simplecelt Sun, 19 Jan 2014 00:42:09 +0000 ChrisMorton82simpleceltChris, I get that.  In my experience being bi-vocational is considered to be a handicap and bi-vocational ministers as lesser than their paid counterparts.  We are both pushing back against the extreme views of the issue.  Thanks for the dialogue.
