Comments on: Six Bold Moves for Resurrecting a Dying Church Growth and Mission Mon, 24 Oct 2016 18:04:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: AreRjr Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:19:12 +0000 Good ideas here…I would like to respectively add why not start a revival in your dying church where 1) each member starts to deal with the sin in their life that had lead to the lukewarmness then death of your vibrant church gathering..there are ministries that offer systematic approaches that can be as an on going ministry include Freedom in Christ’s steps to freedom. If there is a true repentence and turning to God, God can bless a returning to God 2)The other idea is to get a church assessment….If you are lacking in leadership that is evangelistic, then that would come up and there are many evangelists out there who would gladly come train your people how to have a lifestyle of evangelism and help you see who in your gathering is already gifted in that. What do you think? Are these things necessary to get a group of Christ followers to get right with God and start focusing  upward then outward?
