Sleeping Well

Chris —  June 18, 2009

sleep-learningSleeping well has always been a problem for me.  Since I was a kid, my ADHD brain has kept moving a million miles an hour, even when I’m covered up and the lights are off.

The most I’ve ever consistently slept well was the summer I spent interning with Dry Bones.  The combination of 100 degree days and emotional outpouring to our homeless friends gave me a magical ability to fall asleep as soon as my eyes closed.

Since arriving in Hong Kong, I’ve gone to sleep between 8-10pm every night.  I’ve tried to stay up and read or journal to no avail.  The sleep is restful, although far from sound, and I wake up about 4-5am for an extended quiet time.

Why is it that my sleep patterns have suddenly changed?  Well, I’m sure that jetlag and spending the day hauling books around plays a role.  But I also believe that part of it is due to having spent the day serving God.

Most of the time, I lay in bed thinking “oh yeah, Father…how are ya?”  But having spent my day ensuring that follower’s of Daddy’s Son have books to read makes my bedtime prayers sound more like “we did pretty good today, huh?”  Living on mission helps me sleep well.

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