From the States

Chris —  August 1, 2009

We left the Managua Airport about 6am this morning and returned to the US around 2.  At the airport, we had a sweet reunion with friends and family.  From there, we went to Alamo Cafe, where I gorged on chips and salsa-the thing I miss most about Texas.

We’ll spend the next few days debriefing with Steve and Marti Levitt and then…

Well, that’s the question isn’t it?

I’ve got a few Global Journey review posts in me.  Then the blog will return to it’s previous format focusing on issues of Life, Church, Culture and God.

For those of you who have prayed for us along the way and our safe return, THANK YOU.  God listened.  Please continue to pray as I seek to find God’s will for my next step and carve out a new life in ATX.

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