7 Things I’m Thankful For: AC

Chris —  November 23, 2011

What’s the hottest you’ve ever felt?

For me, it was the two weeks I spent in Delhi a few summers back.  It was about 120 degrees everyday.  Dipping down into the high nineties at night.  In that heat we would eat curry, play cricket, and draw henna.

The second hottest I’ve ever been was this summer, where days hovered around 108º.  One day, fearing my commute to work had given me a case of heat stroke, I broke down and threw my entire savings into purchasing a car.

The last few weeks our AC at work went off.  This would be uncomfortable anywhere, but considering that our tiny little store services thousands of people a day, the body heat alone made it feel (and smell) like a locker room.

I have this weird struggle.  Almost daily I find myself nostalgic for a world I do not know.  A world where you harvest your vegetables, kill your meat, and go to bed when the sun goes down.  I often think about the damage our technology is doing to us, and how it’s driving us further from each other, and making it harder to be still and know our God.

But never, not for even a moment, have I doubted the blessing of AC.  In Delhi, I wondered what such heat could do to a person’s soul.  This summer the heat helped trigger a dark night of the soul that ruled my life for months.  The fact is that we’re not built to live in extremes.  So as simple as it sounds, this holiday season, I’m thankful for AC.

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