Archives For audio

Here’s what I appreciate about the Presbyterians: they tend to be thoughtful, intellectual and take the Bible very seriously. I came across this resource when trying to find out about Mark Labberton, the new President of my Alma Mater, Fuller Seminary. I found more than I’d expect: an eight hour series he had given on the gospels. Eugene Peterson also has an extended series, as well as a number of charming and intelligent Presbyterian scholars.

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I recently had the opportunity to preach at Vox Veniae. We wrestled together with what it looks like for us to be “sent” like the Apostles were; to places that are usual, unusual and unknown. Here’s an excerpt and the audio.

What I believe was really happening here is that the place that I felt most comfortable, the usual place I go every day, was actually a place that I had been sent to by God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he changed me into a person who could sit and listen. In that time and place, the best way to be a witness was to sit and listen.

Jesus says:

…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Jesus sent his Apostles first to Jerusalem. He sends us first to that which is normal, usual. If you realize that God is sending into the “usual” places, suddenly, the regular things you do every day are infused with meaning and purpose. You get up in the morning, put on your uniform, asking “how can I help the people I see everyday know that God has not abandoned them?”

This changes everything. Suddenly there are no usual places, only people to whom God has sent you to.

Where is God sending you?