Archives For creation

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. But this endless arguing about how old the earth is doesn’t make any sense to me.

And like any child of the 90s, I think Bill Nye is great.

I’m an outsider on this conversation. The churches I grew up in had their own unique variety of fundamentalism. While I occasionally overheard the debates about “creation vs. evolution,” I was never indoctrinated to think “we don’t believe in dinosaurs.”

My question is always “how can we live as missionaries in present day America?” The Bill Nye and Ken Ham debate is a great example of how damaging such arguments are to this cause.

It’s hard to take young earth creationists seriously for three reasons:

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I remember being taught all of the apologetic quips that were supposed to show the ridiculousness of evolution.  There was the one about monkeys at typewriters were more likely to write Hamlet than evolve into human beings.  The popular Christian response to evolution’s pervasiveness has been more about fear and pride than conversation.

The fact of the matter is, evolution isn’t going anywhere. Christians need to become conversant.  This isn’t a call to change one’s beliefs, but to recognize that there are intelligent people who disagree with you. Just because they disagree with you doesn’t mean they are stupid, insincere, or incapable of following Jesus.

Francis Collins may be one of the smartest men in America.  He’s a scientist, a doctor, the former head of the Human Genome Project, and the current head of the National Institute of Health.  He’s also a Bible believing Christian.

The Language of God is part biography, part textbook.  Collins tells of how his work as a doctor forced him to question agnosticism, and eventually led him to faith.  He also explains how DNA works, how evolution works, and the shortcomings of popular arguments against evolution.  His solution is BioLogos, which honors the truths of the Bible without ignoring the weight of science.

If you’re skeptical that the Bible and science can get along, or you just want to be able to converse intelligently on the subject, you should read The Language of God.

And if that’s not enough to convince you, listen to him SING!