Archives For Culture

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. But this endless arguing about how old the earth is doesn’t make any sense to me.

And like any child of the 90s, I think Bill Nye is great.

I’m an outsider on this conversation. The churches I grew up in had their own unique variety of fundamentalism. While I occasionally overheard the debates about “creation vs. evolution,” I was never indoctrinated to think “we don’t believe in dinosaurs.”

My question is always “how can we live as missionaries in present day America?” The Bill Nye and Ken Ham debate is a great example of how damaging such arguments are to this cause.

It’s hard to take young earth creationists seriously for three reasons:

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Pope Francis: Evangelical of the Year

Chris —  December 13, 2013

Since the day black smoke came out of Vatican, we haven’t been able to stop talking about him. He still wears hats and robes and prays with Mary, but we love him anyway. In an evangelical culture starved for meaningful examples of the way of Jesus, Pope Francis is the new Billy Graham.

All branches of the Christian faith are dealing with an identity crisis. With their social capital and political power waning, evangelicals specifically have struggled to find themselves. For many the answer was to rediscover the church’s call to social justice. Suddenly everyone wanted to build a well or adopt a kid.

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I Miss Mark Driscoll

Chris —  December 12, 2013

There was a time when I looked forward to listening to Mark Driscoll on a regular basis. That was before I lost my stomach for the whole thing.

Driscoll was a new and exciting voice, championing the need for new, missionally minded churches to be planted. He was embedded in a city known for being both unchurched and superhip. He was dynamic and inspiring.

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