Archives For Life

It may be that the most important thing our churches can do is become more boring.

Being bored in an over-stimulated world is a cultivated practice. The Pray as You Go podcast is one of the best tools I’ve seen to help develop the spiritual discipline of listening to God’s voice in scripture. Over the course of twelve minutes you will chill out to scripture-based music and pray through a passage of scripture twice.

The podcast format combines the slow, multiple readings of Lectio Divina with Examen style questions. According to their website:

A new prayer session is produced every day of the working week and one session for the weekend. It is not a ‘Thought for the Day’, a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer.

Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection.

Our aim is to help you to:

  • become more aware of God’s presence in your life 
  • listen to and reflect on God’s word 
  • grow in your relationship with God

It should be no surprise that it is produced by Jesuits, who have been developing tools to commune with God for centuries.

If you want to take steps toward a more boring spiritual life and even becoming a boring church, I would suggest using this tool at least once a day. In time you’ll develop a taste for the boring and will be able to dive in deeper.


The Cost of Apostleship

Chris —  July 16, 2014

“I don’t know how you just talk to people like that, Chris.”

This subtly offensive statement was one I have heard a lot. For a little while, I hosted a weekly dinner where I invited some non-Christian friends from a nearby Starbucks to eat with a few from my church.

It didn’t go very smoothly. For these church friends, talking to people outside our church community was pretty hard. Some saw it as a challenge to grow. Others saw it as an unattainable “gift” I had.

“I just can’t imagine taking the risk of starting something.”

This one I hear all the time from pastors and teachers, searching through an ever shrinking pool for the perfect church job. These statements depict the reality of today’s church for so many. We are constituents and employees of the institution.

Many churches seem to have forgotten the two most basic impulses of an organism: reproduce and adapt.

Or to use more Biblical language:

We have forgotten how to be an Apostolic movement.


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In his album “Hillarious,” Comedian Louis C.K. rails against the over stimulation of children. He laments that television and video games have made it impossible for children to enjoy everything from the taste of an apple to the pleasures of a sunny day.

(Warning: Explicit)


We know that we will never “out-entertain” the world. Fewer of us will have the finances to try.

An increasing number of people today are arguing for a “slow church” or a hyper-localized church. Both of those are helpful, but I would suggest going one step further.

How about a really, really boring church?

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From 1892 until 1954 millions of “tired, huddled masses” made the same stop on their way into the United States, Ellis Island. No matter who you were or where you were from, if you were going to be an American, you would have to stop here.

Across the United States, there are approximately 1,300 churches who top out over 2,000, the unofficial definition of a megachurch. For untold thousands, these are the homes where many come to faith. They are the places where everyone in the family can learn the way of Jesus in a format that speaks to their age, race or taste.

They also serve as a sort of “Ellis Island” for many Christians.

Some are raised there. Some come to faith there. Many land at a megachurch because they are new in town. Megachurches have a lot of people and a lot of tasks to do, so it’s easy to jump right in.

For the better part of a decade, I’ve been involved in church planting, and I’ve noticed a trend: Entire groups of people migrating together from one of the local Megachurches to other communities.

My first response to this was cynical and heartless, assuming that they were just religious consumers looking for the next cool thing. That might be true for some of them. I also found that many of them are deeply wounded by their religious experience.

They aren’t “churched,” “unchurched,” “dechurched” or even “church-hoppers.” They are desperately trying to hold on to faith after getting the crap kicked out of them by church.

Megachurches are the first stop for many of today’s Christians. When they leave that church, it is often with wounds that must be treated at their next church.

Seven Church Systems that Chew People Up and Spit them Out

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If you want to get really depressed, consider making a list of everything you have ever done that failed.

Actually, don’t. That sounds like a terrible idea.

For me, it’s hard not to think life as a series of failed experiments and missed opportunities. A little over a year ago I found myself out of a job, with a broken car, and needing a new place to live. Despite the name of this blog, I completely gave up on my attempts to become a better version of myself. I went into disaster-mode, focusing only on immediate threats.

Unsuprisingly, things got worse.

Then slowly, things got better.
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