Archives For Mission

I’ve made the hyperbolic claim that in ten years, only church plants will be left. Don’t hear me celebrating.

I love the church. Even with their shortcomings, I love the fellowship of churches I grew up in.

The little church in Denver I grew up in was a relic when I arrived. It had been formed by dust bowl refugees of the Bible Belt and practiced an anachronistic approach to faith.

Yet, despite (or perhaps, because of) that, many of us have held on to faith. How we practice looks different today. That doesn’t mean we’re ungrateful.

Some churches won’t change. They’ll eventually die. Others will change and become something that has little to do with the body and bride of Christ presented in the New Testament. New churches will be planted.

Along the way, I hope we can hold on to these ten priceless heirlooms of the previous generation.

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Believe me: In ten years, only church plants will be left.

Okay, that’s a bit of hyperbole, but here’s where I am coming from:

Recently, I was discussing with someone from an older church in an established denomination an incredibly difficult situation that her home church was experiencing. One party in the church had made a decision. This led to a lot of hurt feelings. A bunch of people left the church.

The person went on to visit a new church. The people there did not seem interested in welcoming outsiders or building community.

Not surprisingly, both churches were immersed in internal politics and  jargon, making hospitality nearly impossible.

These are difficult issues that all communities face. However, it is hard to imagine either of the situations she described taking place in a missionally focused church plant.

Many established Churches are fighting to maintain their definition of orthodoxy, enforce their traditions and finance structures and staff. The number of people who understand or care about those things are burning out or dying of old age.

It’s only a matter of time before Church plants are all that is left. Continue Reading…

From 1892 until 1954 millions of “tired, huddled masses” made the same stop on their way into the United States, Ellis Island. No matter who you were or where you were from, if you were going to be an American, you would have to stop here.

Across the United States, there are approximately 1,300 churches who top out over 2,000, the unofficial definition of a megachurch. For untold thousands, these are the homes where many come to faith. They are the places where everyone in the family can learn the way of Jesus in a format that speaks to their age, race or taste.

They also serve as a sort of “Ellis Island” for many Christians.

Some are raised there. Some come to faith there. Many land at a megachurch because they are new in town. Megachurches have a lot of people and a lot of tasks to do, so it’s easy to jump right in.

For the better part of a decade, I’ve been involved in church planting, and I’ve noticed a trend: Entire groups of people migrating together from one of the local Megachurches to other communities.

My first response to this was cynical and heartless, assuming that they were just religious consumers looking for the next cool thing. That might be true for some of them. I also found that many of them are deeply wounded by their religious experience.

They aren’t “churched,” “unchurched,” “dechurched” or even “church-hoppers.” They are desperately trying to hold on to faith after getting the crap kicked out of them by church.

Megachurches are the first stop for many of today’s Christians. When they leave that church, it is often with wounds that must be treated at their next church.

Seven Church Systems that Chew People Up and Spit them Out

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“The fact is, we’ll never be able to out-entertain the surrounding world.”

The words came from a frustrated youth minister friend. They could have come from anyone who’s ever tried to organize a church worship service.

For Austin Mustard Seed, nestled in the live music capital of the world, we know that we’ll never have the capacity to put on a major production.

That was never our job, anyways.

Defining Liturgy

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Liturgy has a number of meanings, both technical and colloquial. Technically, it is used to describe any pre-written or predetermined ritual. A common definition for the word liturgy is “the work of the people.”

Those of us from a low church background may cringe at the word liturgy. However, we must admit that all groups, secular or religious, high church or low church, have common practices, jargon, and sequences.

We all have liturgy. So we need to do it well.

How about this definition of Liturgy: A moment set aside to rehearse being disciples of Jesus together. (Tweet this)

10 Steps to Creating a Participatory Liturgy

How then, do you create a liturgy that helps your community in its quest for discipleship? These steps are universal, and can be applied in any church structure denomination or context. The result, however, will reflect your community.

1. Choose the elements

Everyone has a liturgy. Not everyone puts thoughtful reflection into what elements should be a part of your time together.
The liturgical experience should be designed to represent your theological distinctives, honor your contexts and engage your participants.

Start with these three questions:

  • The Theological Question — What truths about the way of Jesus should we focus on together?
  • The Contextual Question — What forms already found in our surrounding culture can be utilized to express these truths?
  • The Participatory Question — What does it mean to engage those who gather?

2. Determine level of participation

The next step will be to create a framework that allows you to engage participants in the elements of the liturgy. There are three main levels.

  • High Participation is very freeform. Anyone can share a thought, prayer request or lead in musical worship. This requires a simple format and minimal facilitation. It generally works well in small groups and house churches.
  • Low Participation is a well executed, highly produced event. It relies on trained experts to lead worship, preach, provide technological support, etc. Non-professionals participate by singing along, taking notes, etc. To varying levels, most mainstream churches operate this way.
  • Medium Participation is grounded in an expected order and relies heavily on guidance. Individuals are given tasks to lead, such as prayers, serving communion or sharing from scripture. Official leaders are primarily guides and directors, providing prayers, technological tools, and training.

At Austin Mustard Seed, we are always learning how to be a “we.” Our liturgy uses Medium Participation because we want to make it easy for as many people as possible to be heard. Paul says that “When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.” This is how we are living out 1 Corinthians 14:26 in our context.

3. Map out the flow

The order of worship is the flow of events that describes how the time together will be spent. Will there be songs? Prayers? A meal? A skit? A labyrinth?

Three factors help you decide this question:

A) Theology—What do you believe God wants a gathered church to do?
B) Practicality—What can you currently do with your time, talents and budget?
C) Reproduceability—Is this something you can do every single week?

There’s no need to start from scratch. Churches have been doing this for hundreds of years. Draw from your tradition and others using resources such as the denominational hymnals, Quaker Meeting GuidesCatholic Mass, The Anglican Book of Common Prayer and the Methodist Order of Worship.

Austin Mustard Seed uses a format that we adopted from Vox Veniae, who I believe adapted it from various Presbyterian traditions. It includes:

  • Call to Worship (musical and written prayer)
  • Two Songs
  • Prayer of Confession (responsive)
  • Announcements
  • Break time (a very long version of “passing the peace” that includes good coffee)
  • Preaching
  • Prayers of the People (an open-mic, responsive prayer)
  • Eucharist
  • Two Songs
  • Benediction

4. Choose a theme

Life is too busy and gatherings are too meaningful just to throw something together a guide will help. Most churches use a combination of the three.

  • Church Calendar (Allowing the Liturgical Calendar and the Lectionary to determine themes and texts)
  • Series (Sermon series chosen by church leadership provide inspiration for other worship elements)
  • One-off (Leaving space for covering specific topics or responding to felt needs)

5. Curate

The week-to-week work of preparing your Church’s gathering will be mostly curation. This means finding elements that fit with the goals and format you have chosen.

Curation is the moment when you begin to involve the broader community. You might build a curation team to find new songs, classic prayers or useful pieces of art.

We use pre-written prayers at Austin Mustard Seed. Our curation means digging through resources to find prayers that fit our current foci. Your Church may include talented poets or musicians that can help you create your own resources.

One classic resource is the Book of Common Prayer. Recent additions would be the book Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals and the video series Alter and The Work of the People. There are also a number of liturgical resources across the web, such as the re-worship blog.

6. Build and Proof

If you are a traditional church that uses hymnals and prayer books, please disregard this section.

For the rest of us, welcome to the joy of worship tech! We project the words to slides and written prayers. We collect all of our prayers and songs in a word processor document and then copy and paste them into slides. Although there is some great software out there, we find that the simplicity of a linear presentation tool like Keynote is better for us than having a lot of bells and whistles.

Since I am notoriously un-detail-oriented, I rely heavily on proofreaders to check for grammar mistakes and consistency. It’s a great way to let others participate and learn about curation.

7. Invite

Congratulations on completing the “thought work” of steps 1-6. Now, for the fun part: participation.

Choose individuals and invite to participate in your various liturgy elements. You’ll want to keep a running list of people who are comfortable in front of a crowd, and expect to coach them along the way.

This can be done through email or even face to face. At Austin Mustard Seed, we have found Planning Center Online to be invaluable for allowing us to easily recruit and track participants. We replicate the same order of worship, upload unique documents (our pre-written prayers) and invite people to join in.

8. Run Through

If you’ve been planning a Liturgy, chances are, you may have every element mapped out in your head. Your participants do not.

Pull everyone aside for 10 minutes before your gathering starts to answer questions, make sure people understand their task and say a prayer.

9. Explain

At the bottom of the first page of every Spider-man comic, you’ll see a box explaining that Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. Why? Because Spider-man’s creator Stan Lee operated from the philosophy that every comic was someone’s first comic.

At Austin Mustard Seed, we want to welcome outsiders to our gathering. We also take the opportunity to be reminded about why we have gathered. We use the following preamble to our Call to Worship:

Welcome to the Liturgy of Austin Mustard Seed.
The word “liturgy” means “The Work of the People.”

Friends and strangers.
Passionate believers.
Hopeful skeptics.
For this short moment, we are all participants and hosts.
Let us stand together for a moment of quiet.

10. Repeat

My co-planter John Chandler has shared this frustration about pulling off events like Easter when he worked at a mega-church: “It always felt like we had to bigger and better than the year before.” This pressure not only can lead to burn out, but it does not ensure creativity.

A somewhat surprising value of using a set liturgical form is how it creates a space in which to be creative. New songs are written, ancient prayers are revived and new voices are heard.

Stick with your format. Use it again and again. If you continue to create and curate, it will never get boring.

Every church community has an official or unofficial liturgy. What is yours? How does it include and inspire?

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The High School I grew up in was in a white neighborhood.

So was my church.

So were my friends.

I got my first job at 18 in a call center on the other side of town. It was only a 15 minute drive away, but it was a different world. The majority of those I worked with were other races, many African American. For the first time in my life, I heard real stories of being pulled over by cops for “driving while being black,” and worse.

Like most in my Gen Y cohort, I would have adamantly told you “I’m not a racist.” The fact was, I was actually ignorant about the systems that enabled the racial divide in our society.

That’s how I feel when I read the #YesAllWomen hashtag.


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