Archives For Blogging

Why I Blog

Chris —  August 5, 2011

Faith is the navigation between experience and assertation.  Experience is what your senses and your science tell you is true, like the fact that it’s 108º in Austin today or that the speed of light is 186,282 miles per second.  Assertation is the statements that we use to explain our experience, like “all men are created equal” or “the longevity of the Rolling Stones proves that they are the best rock and roll band of all time.”

Faith is the path that we take to get from today to tomorrow, responding to our senses and living out our assertations.  For a scientist, their chief assertation is that the universe has an order, and that order can be discovered.  The scientist’s faith is in the scientific method.  For the buddhist, the assertation is that this world is to be overcome, and faith is in meditation and other processes that separate one from the world.  For the Christian, the assertation is that this world is unfinished, and faith is living in a way that respects how things are but trusts in how things should be.

Jesus taught of the Kingdom that is now but not yet.  The reality is that the world is full of disease and heartbreak and earthquakes and amputees.  The reality is that God is good.  He is in charge and there is healing and wholeness and peace.

Both are true.

Now.  But not yet.

This blog meanders from theology to science fiction to relationships to politics.  But at the core it is a blog about faith. My assertion is that there is something eternal about everything.  The “present” is something recently experienced, like a date or a bike ride or my love for the 2005 revival of Doctor Who.  The eternity is the deep truth, the old magic, behind all of these things. Exploring present eternity just means having faith that there is something to all of this.

Thanks for reading, for commenting and exploring with me.

I haven’t blogged this week because I have nothing to say.  It’s not that there’s nothing going on in my life.  Actually, I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed by some decisions I have to make.  But I write this blog to get others to seriously think about life, not to complain about my own.  You’d stop reading this if became just another blog about someone and their cat.

Recently I was talking to a friend about a preacher we heard, who over the course of half an hour, didn’t really say anything.  We’ve actually had this discussion a number of times.  For some reason, it seems that bloggers and preachers don’t really have a point to make, or want to make a point, or even know how.

Granted, we are an impossible audience.  Because of podcasting, we can listen to the best speakers in the world anytime we want.  The average collar doesn’t stand a chance.

People like me write blogs everyday, because that’s how to turn their hobby into a Google Adwords money maker and book deal.  Preachers get up every Sunday, because that is their job.

What if it were okay to just say “don’t read my blog until I have something meaningful to share,” or “I’m not going to preach this week, because I didn’t find anything in text that would help you live like Christ.”

Hello WordPress!

Chris —  January 11, 2009

You can now find a new and improved version of my blog at! The main change you will see is a new focus. Every week, you’ll find posts on these four topics: God, Life, Church and Culture.

There are also new features:

  • Fund layout powered by WordPress.
  • Twitter bar.
  • More about me, including a bio and my resume.
  • Examples of some work I’ve graphic and video work I’ve done.
  • Booking and contact information.

Check it out at!