Archives For books

To pastors and seminarians he is N.T. Wright, the theologian a generation turns to for everything from resurrection apologetics to the New Perspective on Paul.  But behind that academic density is the heart of a shepherd.  This is best seen in his “For Everyone” set of New Testament commentaries.  Here, Wright eschews his academic initials for the nickname Tom.

TOM-ON-HEAVNE-AND-HELL Continue Reading…

For the last three years, I’ve spent time in January creating a reading plan.  The list guides both my fun reading and on going education for the year.  It’s time to create your own, and here’s why:

1.  If you don’t make a plan, you won’t do it.

There are two conspirators keeping you from reading.  The first is that you don’t have to do it.  Unless you are in school, no one is going to make you do it.  The second reason is that life is just too full of easier, more passive activities.  Reading, even the most mindless fiction requires more work than watching television or surfing the web.  Making a reading plan is like a morning runner laying out their clothes the night before: because you’ve put the effort in beforehand, you are more likely to carry through when the time comes. Continue Reading…


Life as an unmarried grad student/SEO guy allows me to be pretty mobile.  A long time ago I decided to live by the adage “Never leave the house without a book.”  My list has grown to the following essentials.  If you work remotely, or are a student, or just wish you could spend more time out and about, here are a few things you’ll absolutely need. Continue Reading…

2013 Reading List

Chris —  January 8, 2013

Many of the best things in life happen because you plan them.  I voraciously devour books and audiobooks.  But without some forethought books can become like junk food.  You consume the quick empty calories instead of planning ahead to eat a good organic quinoa salad.

I started making a yearly reading list in 2010, mainly to measure my goal of reading 40 books in a year.  I continue it, because it gives me something to aim for, and encourages me to really focus on the things I claim are important.

This year’s list contains six sections, mostly new books and a few perennial rereads.  At the top of the list you’ll see a section on vocation, which I hope will provide me a  strong framework for the difficult decisions I have ahead of me. The bulk of the reading is on the subject of “Theology, Discipleship and Mission.”  It is less focused on a specific aspect of theology, and mainly getting to know a few writers better, mainly Eugene Peterson, Henri Nouwen and N.T. Wright.  I’ve also included a separate devotional section, which I hope will help me in my work to create a better habit of daily devotionals in 2013.  Finally, you’ll notice that a few of the books are marked with an asterisk, noting that they are rereads which have proved their importance.

A friend has already emailed me noting how ambitious this is.  We’ll see how much of it I finish.  I am committed to my goal of at least 40, and I am aided by the use of audiobooks, and a job that provides me with lots of listening time.  I’m excited for the journey.

What about you? What are you reading in 2013?

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Wednesday Spotlight: The Twelve

Chris —  December 12, 2012

Think Vampire books are for teenagers?  You obviously missed The Passage. Continue Reading…