Archives For global journey

We’re in Hong Kong!

Chris —  June 16, 2009

We took off for Hong Kong about 7am on Monday.  After a quick layover in Newark, we got on a Continental flight that lasted the next 16 hours.

It helped that the flight had on-demand movies.  I watch an old black and white classic called From Here to Eternity, because it’s the kind of thing you should watch, but it takes being stuck on a plane to actually watch it.

I also took some time to interview the ladies on the trip.  I learned that Ryan knows how to power lift, Erica makes a killer lasagna with white sauce and Sage has four favorite colors.

We arrived in Hong Kong about 7pm local time. My blogging will be somewhat limited for the next few days.  Be sure you ask me about it when you see me in person.

Heading Out!

Chris —  June 15, 2009

dsc00084We’ve been having a lot of fun getting to know each other here in New Braunfels.  Over the last few days we’ve had opportunities to share our life stories with our team, learn some basic counseling tools from Steve Levitt,  and practice some crazy songs and skits we’ll use in the two orphanages we visit. 

Our team itself is kind of funny.  It consists of five ladies who were all college athletes…and me, the choir boy.

Our plane departs for the east tomorrow around 7am and arrive around 7pm their time.  Here’s what I can tell you about the first stop in our trip: We’ll be helping out people who want to know more about Daddy, His Boy and Sarayu. 

I’ll have the opportunity to post about once a week.  I hope you enjoy.

Why I’m Going

Chris —  June 13, 2009


Choosing to go on this Mission Trip has been one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made.  Even as I’m participate in a pre-retreat I have my uncertainties.

Here’s why I chose to go:

  • Freedom.  I’m not tied down by school, a job, a family or any other commitments.  When else I will be able to do something like this?
  • “Do Something.”  I’ve been out of work for a few months now.  My friend Jason advised me that sometimes the only right decision is to “just do something.”  
  • Seeing what God is up to. Understand, I’ve never been a foreign missions guy.  I started a club in college called OutReach America to train domestic missionaries.  It’s a big world out there, and we serve a big God.  I’m excited to see what he’s up to.
  • Intrinsic reasons.  I won’t lie, traveling sounds fun, and I believe God will teach me something by seeing more of the world.
  • It glorifies God.  This is really all the reason I needed.  People in the East need to read about Jesus. Orphans need loving. Muslims need the gospel.  How can you go wrong?

That’s how I made my decision.  What do you think?

Change in Format

Chris —  June 12, 2009

Since the inception of, I’ve done my best to provide concise and meaningful posts on God, Culture, Church and Life.  However, my summer mission trip with Global Journey requires a different format.  You can expect the posts to be slightly longer, and more introspective.  I’ll also do my best to provide some good pictures, too.

I hope you enjoy the Journey!

As you probably know, I’ll be heading on a world-wide mission trip with Global Journey ( this coming week.  The following is five questions with Sarah Rinn, founder of GJ and our trip leader.

Chris Morton: Tell us a little about yourself!

Sarah Rinn: Well, I’m Sarah Rinn.  I was born in Texas, went to college at Rhodes in Tennessee, and now reside in New Braunfels, TX.  Since college I have worked many summers at TBarM Sports Camp and even spent a year on TBarM’s Timothy Team, where I went on my first ever mission trip to Nigeria.  On that trip I knew missions would be a very important part of my life. 

In 2006 I went on the World Race, an 11 month mission trip visiting over 11 countries, in 2007-2008 I went on 80 Days Around the World with The Global Challenge, and the summer of 2008 I helped lead another trip around the world that was the pioneer trip for Global Journey.  I’m passionate about giving others the same life changing experiences I have had. 

I also love sports, games, deep talks with friends, random road trips, The Price is Right, and anything sweet. 

CM: Why did you start Global Journey?

SR: I felt the Lord calling me to start something like Global Journey way back when I was on the World Race in 2006.  I knew this is what I was called to do, but I had to be patient and wait for the Lord’s timing.  My heart is not only to share the love of Christ around the world and be a part of the Great Commission, but to impact the lives of the participants on the trip.  My prayer is that while travelling participants might get a bigger glimpse of God’s calling on their lives, that they would fall more in love with Jesus, and be more willing to live surrendered to God.  I also hope that we can build lasting relationships with missionaries all over the world and be an encouragement to them.  Our goal is to go places where the Lord is working and join in. 

CM: What is this summer going to be like?

SR: HOT!!!  Just kidding…well kind of! 

I’m expecting the Lord to do some big things this summer.  It is going to be a stretching and challenging for the team as they are taken away from comforts that we have in America.  I’m hoping they get a bigger picture of God’s world and people and get to partake in different types of ministry.  We will be living with orphans in India, love kids at an AIDS children’s home in Uganda, sharing Christ’s love with Muslims in France, and putting on sports camp in Nicaragua.  I’m also praying for lifelong friends to be built amongst the team. 

CM: What do you hope the trip will accomplish for the missionaries and organizations you’ll work with?  For the participants?

SR: My hope for the missionaries and organizations is that we be servant’s to them.  I want us to be a team of 6 bodies willing and able to serve and walk alongside them with what God is doing where they are.  I hope that we might be able to encourage them in what the Lord has called them to. 
For the participants my prayer is that they will begin to get a glimpse of the difference between living a committed life and a surrendered one.  My prayer is that all of them would come away willing to surrender and say “Yes” to anything the Lord calls them to.  I pray that God would give me some Amy Carmichaels, Mother Teresas, Brother Yuns, Jim Elliots who will forever impact the world eternally.

CM: What can we pray for?

SR: You can pray for Jesus’s name to be known and for God to be glorified.  Pray for God to open doors to make an impact for His kingdom.  Pray for team unity and for us to be a light for Christ.  Pray for hearts of the people we will visit to be softened to the Gospel.  Pray for us to be protected from satan and spiritual warfare.  Pray for each team member to grow in their understanding of God’s love for them and fall more passionately in love with Jesus.