Having an Affair

Chris —  February 4, 2009

“Lots of people like to come and have an affair with our church,” was a comment that stuck out at me from a recent conversation with a local church planter.  It was his way of describing people, anxious to get something more from church, but unwilling to commit to the places they might get it.

Church hopping has become a phenomenon of the modern consumer church.  People move from congregation to congregation, looking for contemporary music, or claiming that they want deeper teaching.  Entire churches have been planted and grown large simply by hosting hoppers for a season.  How should a leader respond to this?

According to this Church planter, they shouldn’t.  What if, instead of spending time and money creating the perfect Sunday experience for disatisfied Christians, you put that same energy into building a team to carry out the mission of God? Chances are people would come “have an affair,” and then go on to the next church.  But the people who stay would be those who are completely devoted to the mission.  Imagine what could be done by a group of people like that.

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