Outgrown its Use

Chris —  February 19, 2009

This is an entry that would be so much better if I had a digital camera.  If you would like to learn how you can buy me one, contact chrismorton82@gmail.com.

Today, I spent my afternoon reading under a tree in Landa Park.  It was a huge tree with massive gnarled limbs that spread out for over 50 feet past the trunk.  One limb was a size that many trees would be jealous of.  It was so large it had out grown its usefulness.  A series of wires strung from other limbs, as well as a large metal pole and a concrete collumn held the limb of the ground.

In a post-Christendom America, Churches need to learn from this limb.  Many churches today are a tangle of unneeded programs and nostaligic, expensive events, held together by a leaderless staff.  They spend millions of dollars on methods that may not reach people or make disciples. Rather than a strong, vibrant church that stands on its own feet, the church is held together with wires and collumns.

What does your church really need to reach unchurched people? To help your existing members be more like Christ?  It might hurt to let some of those cherished old limbs go.  But imagine the type of tree you could become!

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