Finishing Well

Chris —  May 12, 2009

Fresh out of college, I spent a year and a half in Atlanta that had a powerful impact on my life.  In my last few weeks a counselor walked me through the process of finishing well.  He held me accountable to saying what I needed to say.  I had tearful and honest conversations with mentors, made peace with a few enemies, and bought a pretty girl dinner. 

I was sad to go, but I felt like all of the loose ends had been tied up.  My next experience was a bit more tumultuous, and I can’t say that I even tried to finish well.  Now I’m in  a transition process again, and I want to make sure I get it right.

The key to finishing well is honesty.   Get rid of elephants, gorillas and other jungle animals in the room.  Let the people who impacted you the most know that you appreciate them, and let the people you hurt know you’re sorry.  If you don’t finish well, those conversations rattle around in the back of your head, leaving you with regrets instead of fond memories.

Any suggestions for me as I try to finish well?

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