Austin Church Search

Chris —  September 18, 2009

I’m looking for a Church.  My goal is to find a place where I can serve under a great leadership with a great vision, be a part of a community making a difference in the lives of the lost and hurting in Austin, and make some great friends with people in my life stage.  Over the next two and a half months, I’m hoping to visit a number of Churches and share my reflections on them.  The purpose of this is to 1) help me as I unpack the experience, and 2) help my readers be more aware of what God is up to in the city.

A few caveats: First, I’m going to keep things positive.  This is not a review or a critique.  I leave that up to guys like John the Revelator.  Second, I will be unapologetically sharing things from my point of view.  I’m a single guy in his 20s, passionate about missional living, serving the poor, and reaching the unreached.  Although I won’t be “grading” the churches reviewed here, it will be hard not to note how they’re doing on those categories.  Because I’m passionate about church planting, don’t be suprised to see more new plants and church-planting-churches than established churches.

For my readers in Austin, I hope that you find this informative.  For those abroad, I hope you’ll learn a little bit about what God is up to and what guys like me are looking for in a Church.

The Churches I’ve already visited and will be sharing about include:

-Austin City Life
-Austin New Church
-Austin Stone Community Church
-Church Under the Bridge
-First Baptist of Austin
-Gateway Church
-Vox Veniae
-Westover Hills Church of Christ

If you would like for me to visit and share about your church, just drop me an email at

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