Pat Robertson Made a Deal With The Devil (and so did I…)

Chris —  January 15, 2010

Here’s the biggest problem with Pat Robertson.  It’s not that he’s prone to say stupid things, or that he’s making Christians look completely heartless: It’s really bad theology.  As in: Not Historic Orthodox Christianity, Pagan, Works Driven, Theology.

…There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…

Pat, voodoo practicing Haitians and myself all have the same problem: We have sinned.  We fell short of the glory of God.  In that way, every single person who ever lived has made a “deal with the Devil.”

From the best I can tell, there is absolutely no Biblical example of a deal with the Devil, save some allegorical stories in Revelation (which Pat might think he fully understands, but I don’t pretend to.)  The idea seem more grounded in the medieval tale of Dr. Faust, and popularized by songs like “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.”

There is  good news for jerks like me and Pat, that

…[all] are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

This, really is the core of the Christian message: Go to Jesus, and NO MATTER WHAT, YOU ARE FORGIVEN.

Whether you injudiciously use your national platform like Pat, or you were the jerk to throw the first stone, there is forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

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