A Jesus Way: Underdog, to the Rescue!

Chris —  February 26, 2010

Knowing what we know about the water we swim in, we have to get our minds around a series of unpopular facts:

1.  We do not live in a Christian nation.  We never have.  In fact, a good argument could be made that the idea of a Christian Nation is idolatrous, and counter to Jesus teachings about the Kingdom.

2.  This means we have no rights.  Culture  teaches us that we have a bill of rights and human rights.  Jesus teaches us that we will be persecuted.  He calls this “blessed.”

3.  Jesus does not promise us life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness. He pursued his Father, lost his liberty and sacrificed his life.  American Dreams that anyone can and should gain financial success cannot be found in the Sermon on the Mount or any of Jesus other teachings.

4.  Having no rights, means you have no right to force your ideals on others. When you resort to using coercion or politics to make others behave, you have given up on God’s power to change people and the Church’s role as witnesses to another kingdom.

5.  With no rights, no coercion, no politics, and no ambition for riches, you will be banished to the margins.

As followers of Jesus Way, along with God’s people since the time of Abraham, are Underdogs.  We are scrawny, poor, and hopelessly outnumbered.  Strangers in a strange land.  We have no home field advantage.

We fight with weapons that are not of this world.  We count our victories in lives changed and communities shifted.  We will not see victory in this world.

This is where the adventure of following Jesus begins.

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