Another Christian Celebrity Fails

Chris —  April 14, 2010

Today, word hit that another Christian celebrity was admitting their homosexuality.  This person may be blasted by the Christian media, embraced by mainstream radio, or both.

This is bound to cause discomfort and soul searching on the part of fans.  They’ll feel upset, betrayed, and wonder if they can still worship with those songs.

It would be easy to set this person up for condemnation, rattling off Romans 1 and other scriptures.  The problem is we are also to blame.

Among Christians there is a cult of Celebrity.  We put our favorite preachers, worship leaders and writers into a category similar to Catholic saints, except they’re still alive.  This is a problem because:

1.  They will disappoint. It’s only a matter of time before they say something stupid about hurricanes or are caught sneaking around in airport bathrooms or skimming off the top.  Even Paul had his thorn in the flesh.

2.  We’re making it worse. The higher we prop these bound-to-fail celebrities up, the further they’ll fall.  Giving them adoration, money and attention, equips them to do some really stupid things.  It also puts them on national pedestals that display their hypocrisy to a world already skeptical of Christians.

3.  They aren’t God. The level of energy, money and attention given to Christian celebrities should be called what it is: worship.  And only God deserves worship.

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