Three Friends Every Missionary Must Have

Chris —  July 14, 2010

I’m working on a theory that life, especially a missional life, requires three circles of friends.

1) Your Cabinet.  An inner circle of friends is like the President’s closest advisors.  These are the people who know us best, and understand our hopes and dreams.  They may include your best friends and family, but they also include mentors and straight shooters.  They do not necessarily receive the most of your time, but their opinion has the greatest weight.

2) Your Field.  These are the people you see every day.  The people you work with, go to shows with, and live next to.  Because of your natural rhythm of life they are the people you spend the most time with.  They are your greatest opportunity for you share about Jesus.

3) Your Church.  Simultaneously the furthest away, yet the closest.  You share values, and when you come together, you receive strength and encouragement you get no where else.  Your time together is spent on important things together, like worship, care for the poor and hurting, etc., and some may find their way into the other two circles.  Practically, they cannot receive the majority of your time and attention, but knowing they’ve got your back gives you the strength to focus on your field.

Do you agree or disagree with this theory?  How do you think about your relationships?

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