Camp Review

Chris —  July 27, 2010

I’m back in Austin after a great week with the crew from Wildside at Daybreak Camp in northern California.  It was great to be in the mountains, hang out with old friends and make some new ones, and talk about our Shepherd.

The theme of the camp was Epic, and it is modeled after the book Hinds Feet on High Places.  Each morning, the campers would visit an “altar,” where I shared a portion of the allegory, and they had a time of prayer and reflection.  In the evening, they revisited a changed altar, and I shared about some corresponding topics from scripture.  (That’s me speaking in the “Valley of Humiliation.”)

We talked about pride, loneliness, peacemaking, giving up your burdens, dying to self, and being a new creation.  May sound heavy for middle schoolers, but the kids handled it well.

Props to the directors for an incredibly imaginative Camp, and letting me be a small part of it.

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