My Kind of Woman (pt. 2)

Chris —  October 19, 2010

I’m currently working on a Master’s of Arts in Global Leadership, and occasionally, I’ll share some thoughts from what I’m learning.

Smack in the middle of the worst stories in the Bible is Ruth, a true love story, unlike anything else found in the Bible.  Ruth is a woman who takes the risks necessary to fulfill her commitments.

We first meet Ruth in depths of tragedy.  While mourning the loss of her husband, father-in-law and a brother-in-law, she chooses to abandon her own people and stick with her mother-in-law Naomi, no matter what the cost.

This is more complicated than we might realize.  Ruth is a Moabitess, one of the peoples that the book of Judges blames for all of Israel’s difficulties.  She is a widow.  She has to deal with a bitter old woman in the depths of depression.  Ruth is a migrant worker, although today’s American situation is not an exact parallel, one can assume that this was not a well respected career.

Ruth survives and goes on to have a monumental place in history because of her willingness to go after Boaz.  I’ve met so many great Christian girls who hide in the background, fill their days with Bible Studies and girls nights to the point they unavailable to the good things around them.  Ruth worked with Naomi to concoct a plan to win the love of Boaz.  No one knows exactly what happened that night on the threshing floor, but we know for sure it was a risk.

Ruth is willing to take a risk, go where women aren’t allowed, set herself up for possible rejection.  Ruth has a lot to teach us about commitment, and the risk it involves. That’s why Ruth is my kind of woman.

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