Help Me Build My 2011 Reading List

Chris —  January 14, 2011

With 2011 upon us, I’m building up this year’s 2011 reading list.  Whereas 2010 was about my goal of reading 40 new books, but this year I’m also revisiting the books that have shaped me over the years.

I need some help beefing up this list.  The missing elements on this list is culture and biography.  All suggestions are helpful, especially in these two categories.


  1. Dune
  2. The Hobbit
  3. The Road Less Traveled
  4. The Divine Conspiracy
  5. Man’s Search for Meaning


  1. Brothers Karamazov
  2. Brave New World
  3. Infinite Jest
  4. Imitation of Christ


  1. Hunger Games
  2. The Girl Who…
  3. The Passage
  4. Mindless Star Wars Novels


  1. AND
  2. Prophetic Imagination

General Non-Fiction

  1. The Big Sort

Grad School

  1. Spiritual Leadership
  2. Cultivating Communities of Practice
  3. Life on the Vine

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