One Year After the Marathon

Chris —  February 14, 2011

It’s exactly one year from February 14, 2010’s Love Austin Marathon.

A few weeks before I ran my marathon last year, someone mentioned that it would change my outlook on life.  Not automatically, but some point, maybe weeks or months after the marathon, I’d be doing something something difficult and would say to myself “this isn’t that hard, I’ve run a marathon.”

I wish I still run.  Even during the training my knees started giving me trouble, and they’ve never been the same.  I’ve run a handful of times since then and always regretted it. I haven’t given up on running.  I have high hopes or rehabbing my knees and making a few yearly half marathons part of my lifestyle.

But I do keep going back there in my head.  Marathon analogies are so obvious that they’re painful.  That is, unless you’ve run one.

My friend was right.  When I start a project for graduate school, set a new goal or even think about some of the big life changes I need to make, I think about the marathon.

You can do amazing things when you make a plan and work at it consistently.

The race isn’t hard.  It’s the training.

Whatever I’m dealing with now isn’t nearly as difficult as a marathon.

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