What Will 2012 be About?

Chris —  December 26, 2011


What will 2012 be all about?  It’s a more important question than you might think.

As I approached 2010, I had this epiphany that I my year was not going to be about accomplishing my great life goals.  Instead, I decided to focus on a few small things that I knew I would be able to well.  So I aimed for those dreams that you never really get around to, the “bucket list” kind of things.  I set twelve goals, and used this blog as a means for enforcing accountability.  I did things like run a marathon and pay off all of my debt.  It was a very difficult year, but I’m proud of it.

For some reason, I didn’t approach 2011 with the same attitude.  Maybe I was just tired.  Maybe I felt like I had accomplished enough and didn’t need to try.  Maybe I was more concerned about maintenance than accomplishment.  2011 was mainly about riding my bicycle and doing well in graduate school and surviving the summer heat.  The end result was a good year, but not one I look back with the same kind of pride I have about 2010.

Perhaps the difference is that early on I decided what 2010 was going to be about.  I made some goals, and a plan to accomplish them.  The end result was that I did some cool things, specific, that I can point to.

I want to have more years like that.  I want you to as well.

So now is the time to decide: What will 2012 be all about?

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