Archives For Growth

You Did Something Today

Chris —  July 25, 2013

Time Clock

A short contract job working for an advertising agency changed how I think about every day. We billed our clients hourly and tracked our own work. This made sure that we were staying balanced individually and billing accurately.

I’m going through what a friend jokingly referred to as “wedding withdraw”. I recently completed my graduate degree, I’m helping start a new church community and hunting for a job. It’s a strange season where my days are unstructured and my goals are self-directed. This has left me with a constant sense of fear/guilt about not accomplishing anything.  Continue Reading…

Sometimes, life is tough. You aren’t going to solve all your problems over night. There are small problems you can address, which immediately help you feel better about the world. They won’t fix your marriage or get you a job, but they might clear your head enough to deal with the real issues.

Try these 10 completely unscientific remedies that will help you feel better about the world. (Click the numbers at the bottom to see the entire list.)

1. Clean Up



When you have bigger problems to deal with, it’s easy to let other things go to rot. You stop shaving, your bedroom becomes a mess or your kitchen is full of rotting food. How we care for our bodies and our living space affects our state of mind. Take a few minutes to clean up. The activity will feel good, and you will feel more comfortable. Continue Reading…

Man of Steel, the most anticipated film of the summer has come and gone. Although it made more than enough money to ensure a sequel, it also failed to live up to its potential, and left audiences saying “more like ‘meh of Steel'”.

It’s not a bad movie. It has a phenomenal cast and some truly heart-wrenching moments that celebrate humanity. Yet it never seems to live up to the promise of those opportunities. Instead of just hating on the movie, make we can learn a few lessons.

1. Be true to yourself (and your source material)

Sure, Superman is a hard story to tell. He seems antiquated and is so powerful that he can be boring. But it can be done. It has been done, again and again.

man of steel

In an attempt to “modernize” Superman, the story, and the character became darker. Literally, his suit, and even the color palate of the whole movie is dark. The cost of “modernizing” Superman was his core characteristics. No longer is he the charming, indefatiguable farm boy, who learned how to serve from his caring father. Now he is a brooding, misunderstood outcast whose family teaches him to hide.

Superman is a flying farm boy. He doesn’t need to be realistic. Likewise, we should be concerned about naming whom we are, what we are good at and, and looking for the opportunity to share that with the world.

2. Pick something, and get good at it.

I cannot tell you what the theme of Man of Steel was. Immigrants should hide from the government? We’re not alone in the universe? Choose to help, even when it’s dangerous? Evolution and natural selection are more powerful than caring and sacrifice?

Not only was it themeless, it was style-less. The best response to Man of Steel I heard was “I thought I was going to see a Terrance Mallick film, only to find it was actually the latest from Michael Bay”.

Malcolm Gladwell famously said that it takes 10,000 hours to be an expert at something. Most of us never make it to that point, because we fill our lives with distractions. If Man of Steel had picked one theme and one style, it could have been truly great. If we could just focus, maybe we could be great, too.

3. Know when to stop

If Zac Snyder had done one thing differently I probably wouldn’t be writing this post: cut out the last 30 minutes of meaningless violence and destruction. For a little while it was cool. After the shortcomings of Christopher Reeves era special effects and the utter disappointment of 2008’s Superman Returns, it was cool to see two super powered aliens slug it out.

But it




Why Snyder and studio execs thought this was necessary, especially in light of 9/11 and the Boston Marathon attack, is a mystery.

We often feel that we have a point to make or something to accomplish. Making that point means not just being right, or being memorable, but timing it well. All is lost when we wait too long to walk away.

I’m not going to give up on superhero movies (although, I’m in no hurry to see Justice League on screen.) But I want to learn from missed opportunities. I hope DC does, too.

Wednesday Spotlight: Luther

Chris —  July 10, 2013

Luther is a BBC cop drama that twists the rules of a procedural with dirty cops, broken marriages and helpful serial killers. It stars Idris Elba, Stringer Bell of The Wire, as he tries to rebuild his life after a case that went too far.

Elba is a fan favorite, on the short list for diversity focused reboots of both James Bond and Doctor Who. Continue Reading…

We cannot solve life’s problems except by solving them.

M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

Peck on Problem Solving