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Welcome to Miami

Chris —  October 23, 2014

I arrived yesterday in Miami, Florida to spend the next few day with some new and old friends from The V3 Movement. I’ve never been to Florida and the internet tells me to expect that it will be 80 degrees and rainy. Oh well.

The V3 Movement is a growing tribe of missional church planters from throughout the United States. It’s led by my friends JR Woodward, Tim Catchim and Dan White, Jr. (Full disclosure, the V3 Movement is both a supporter of Austin Mustard Seed and a client.)

We’ll spend the next few day’s learning from Alan and Deb Hirsch, as well as from each other, about the missional life.

You can follow my instagram and learn more on my Twitter or at @V3_Movement.

At Austin Mustard Seed, where I serve as Community Developer, we’ve been asking the question “what does it mean to be a people who Practice Resurrection?

That question was prompted by this statement in Ephesians:

That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Paul seems laser focused on helping churches understand that God’s resurrection power is available to them.

This is a dense passage, one of many that have been manipulated for various means. What exactly is Paul saying? Continue Reading…

Donald Miller doesn’t like singing, and he doesn’t like church.

Except he doesn’t really wrestle with either.

donald miller

Since I got a little push back from saying “I Miss Mark Driscoll” it seems only fair that I share my thoughts on the direction that Miller is going.

It’s hard to overstate how much Miller’s work has affected my life. I read Blue Like Jazz as a senior in college. It was probably the most dangerous thing I ever did. Continue Reading…

Thanks to you, 2013 has been an amazing year for Growth and Mission! Posts have ranged from exploring the missional church to little lifehacks. Hopefully, you’ve been encouraged and challenged.

In 2014 you can look forward to more of these helpful discussions. There are also plans underway for a “best of missional” ebook, a cleaner interface and more!

10 Most Popular

1. 10 Rare Examples of Christian Music that Doesn’t Suck

The music the church needs will grow out of artists embedded in the church, who are compelled to tell their own story, and dream of God’s kingdom. It will be honest about our fallen nature and the messiness of the world. It will transcend the love songs of the radio and the praise chants of the last generation. It won’t always be clean, and it won’t always sound like something a good Christian should say.

2. 7 Lessons Learned from a Church of Millennials

Rachel Held Evans recently pointed out on CNN that Millenials are leaving the church like crazy. It doesn’t have to be this way! How do I know? For the past four years, I’ve been involved in a mostly-millennial church. While we have our share of short comings, I’ve learned at least seven lessons about how to be the church in the millennial generation.

3. 10 Misconceptions About Missional

First, the Missional Church is simply the human expression of the Missio Dei. This is the idea that throughout the trajectory of history, God has been on a mission.  This is most clearly articulated by Jesus when he says “as the Father has sent me, so I send you.” God sent Noah to preach, Moses to form, Israel to model, the prophets to witness, Jesus to save (among other things), and the Apostle to establish.  Now God sends his church.

4. 31 Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Before I Was 31

Like John the Baptist said, judge a tree by its fruit. You can’t have a relationship with “the person I think you could become someday.” You can only have a relationship with the person she is today. The best predictor of future behavior is past performance.

5. Eulogizing the Emergent Church and Defining a Missional Movement

I miss the Emergent Church.  I miss it’s punk rock sensibility and its intellectual fortitude.  But for me, it was only an introduction to something bigger.

6. 7 Confessions of Hipster Christian

There is a dirty secret behind my criticisms: they often have more to do with my personal, yes, hipster taste. This leads me to believe that a lot of our arguments as a larger church have very little to do with theology and the mission of God, and more to do with personal preference and the desire to “be on a team.”

7. I Miss Mark Driscoll

We need that guy  who got people excited about church planting. We need the guy who preached entire sermons for single people because that is who lives in his city. We need what we thought he was back when Alan Hirsch quoted him for about how many candles they used in the early days of Mars Hill.

8. Feeling down? Try these 10 remedies to feel better today.

Sometimes, life is tough. You aren’t going to solve all your problems over night. There are small problems you can address, which immediately help you feel better about the world. They won’t fix your marriage or get you a job, but they might clear your head enough to deal with the real issues.

9. Try These Five Steps and Get Your Life Back on Track

Getting your life back on track will likely take much longer than you would like. You have huge decisions to make here, and you don’t want them to be ruled by a shrinking bank account. You may have to find a part time job, a roommate or a tighter budget. Do whatever you have to do to make sure you are stable enough to dream.

10. Eight Game-Changers Observed at Missio Alliance

The first ever Missio Alliance gathering took place past week. I’ve felt like this had enormous potential since I first heard Chris Backert of Ecclesia Network describe the concept of a theological gathering for “the rest of us.”

Honorable Mentions

10 Great Reads Encountered in 2013

Chris —  December 26, 2013

Here are ten books I’m glad I encountered in 2013.

Daring Greatly
Brene Brown‘s “data with a soul” may be the most important book you read for awhile. She lays out issues of shame and authenticity in a way that make you feel known. You will be a better human if you read this book.




Prodigal Christianity: 10 Signposts into the Missional Frontier
David Fitch and Geoff Holsclaw

Ecclesia Network friends Fitch and Holsclaw’s pitch for missional neo-Anabaptism. It’s important.




Faiths in Conflict?
Vinoth Ramachandra

One of the best books I read in MAGL. Comparative religions written by a Christian from Sri Lanka.




The Social Animal
David Brooks

David Brooks parable using brain science, behavioral economics and even a pitch for neo-federalism. You might not buy his politics, but he is a model thinker.




Jesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me: A Memoir. . . of Sorts
Ian Chron

Don’t let the ridiculous title fool you. It’s a story about the adventures of life, addiction and where the divine fit in.




Snow Crash
Neak Stephenson

The Matrix meets Raiders of the Lost Ark. Do not read if you are a charismatic Christian with thin skin.




The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg

How habits work. Read if you want to be a better human. Read especially if any part of your life contains the word “discipleship.”




What We Talk About When We Talk About God
Rob Bell

God is: With us—For us—Ahead of us.
Nothing fans haven’t heard Rob say before, but written for a different audience. The Love Wins fiasco has forced Rob to find a new audience outside the evangelical world. This is a pretty good pitch.




Amir Levine and Rachel Heller

An introduction to Attachment theory. Great reading if you’re asking “why am I still single.”




Bill WillIngham

Grimms fairy tales meets Friends. So much fun.