Archives For 2011

Check Your Heartbeat

Chris —  January 28, 2011

Rhythm is the basic building block of the universe.  Waves, particles and atoms move in rhythm.  The planets turn.  The sun rises and sets.  Your heart thumps, your blood pulses, your lung pump.  We are creatures of rhythm, living in a universe that is conducted by an unseen maestro.

Yet my own life is lacking in rhythm.  I wake up one day at noon, the next at five am.  I go months without speaking to friends.  I pray sporadically and read my Bible at random.  I get excited to work out for two weeks and then get distracted by my queues on Netflix and Hulu.

One of the biggest challenge to my own personal, spiritual and career growth is becoming a person of discipline.  In other words, living my life in rhythm.  It doesn’t help that we live in a 24 hour culture, and I work a job that has no sense of weekend.  So here’s what I’m doing about it.

1. Start small.  In reading a short article about developing discipline, I realized that my room and workspace were a disaster.  I set a small, measurable goal: Make your bed, every day.  The hope is, that by developing some basic cleanliness habits (about 20 years late…) I will start keeping other areas of my life organized.

2.  Track everything.  My friend John turned me on to the story of how Jerry Seinfeld uses a giant calendar to mark his daily writing.  I’m using the Streaks app to track how many days in a row I actually do the things that are important to me.

In 2010 I had a lot of goals.  While I still have a few for 2011, I am more concerned about developing rhythm and discipline.  It starts with making my bed.  But it ends with a life grounded in rich practices and relationships.

Posted Elsewhere: AND Book Review

Chris —  January 17, 2011

My first book review of 2011 was not posted here, but over at, after reading AND: The Gathered and Scattered Church by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay.

Check it

Help Me Build My 2011 Reading List

Chris —  January 14, 2011

With 2011 upon us, I’m building up this year’s 2011 reading list.  Whereas 2010 was about my goal of reading 40 new books, but this year I’m also revisiting the books that have shaped me over the years.

I need some help beefing up this list.  The missing elements on this list is culture and biography.  All suggestions are helpful, especially in these two categories.


  1. Dune
  2. The Hobbit
  3. The Road Less Traveled
  4. The Divine Conspiracy
  5. Man’s Search for Meaning


  1. Brothers Karamazov
  2. Brave New World
  3. Infinite Jest
  4. Imitation of Christ


  1. Hunger Games
  2. The Girl Who…
  3. The Passage
  4. Mindless Star Wars Novels


  1. AND
  2. Prophetic Imagination

General Non-Fiction

  1. The Big Sort

Grad School

  1. Spiritual Leadership
  2. Cultivating Communities of Practice
  3. Life on the Vine

10 Years

Chris —  January 5, 2011

2000 –  Sang in My Fair Lady.  Graduated High school.  Went to Kamp Koinonia for the last time.  Went to the Warped Tour.  Finally had a girlfriend.  Delayed College for family reasons.

2001 – Left for Harding University.  Served as a Youth Ministry intern in East Texas.  Started as a music major.

2002 – Mission Trip to Dry Bones.  Traveled to New York for Choir Tour.  Served homeless people dinner on Friday nights.  Worked with inner city kids on the weekends.  Struggled with music major.

2003 – Dry Bones internship.  Made closer friendships than I knew possible.  Got my heart broken.  Met my best friend.  Co-founded Outreach America at Harding University.

2004 – Life falls apart because I thought I could be a music teacher.  I did write a rocking academic paper on the history of Punk Rock.  Failed music major.

2005 – Took a trip to California where I witnessed a vibrant, young artistic urban church.  Realized that I had failed to make meaningful relationships with the people I loved the most.  Tried to make up for that.  Started Graduate School.  Moved to Atlanta.  Received life changing mentoring.

2006 – Stayed longer in Atlanta and had beautiful friendships.  Started therapy.  Moved to Austin as a church planting apprentice.

2007 – Poor and lonely, gave up on role in Austin.  Accepted position at megachurch in San Antonio.  Mission trip to Mexico.  Started small group with great friends.

2008 – Valiant efforts made.  Innovative outreach at church.  Two phenomenal roommates.  Heart broken again.

2009 – Position at megachurch came to an end.  Unemployed for 7 months.  Tood advantage of deadtime and traveled to China, India, Uganda, France and Nicaragua.  Ran half marathon.  Moved to Austin.  Got job at a mall.  Joined Vox Veniae.

2010 – Began Apartment Ministry.  Ran full marathon.  Spoke at a camp in California.  Tried online dating.  Switched from car to bike.  Paid off all debt.  Restarted graduate school.  Got paid to write.  Asked to leave by Apartment Ministry.  Wallowed in existential crisis.

Wrote a blog.

2011 –

So This is the New Year

Chris —  January 1, 2011

Maybe the problem with 2010 wasn’t doing the wrong thing, dating the wrong person, or working the wrong job. Maybe our problem wasn’t mistakes that led to failure.

Maybe the problem was that we were too ambitious.  Or more precisely, our ambitions were too scattered. We tried to hard, and wallowed in stress and dissatisfaction when things didn’t work out exactly the way we wanted.

Let’s make 2011 about doing a few things well.