Archives For practical atheism

A recent post was rightly accused of being accusatory toward what one might call “practical atheists.” This is a person who might claim to be a Christian, but whose life shows little practical difference from those who do not.

Where did these people come from?  I blame myself for two reasons:

I blame myself for two reasons:

1.  I’m often a practical atheist myself.  Sure, I never miss a Sunday, but I am guilty of living in a way that does not reflect the teachings of Christ.  I need to lead by example.

2.  As a Christian leader, I have helped propagate a system that often fails to offer a vision of life that is no different than the world around us–only with more rules and less fun.

The message of Jesus Christ was and is extremely counter-cultural:  Poor minorities being given power.  Racial enemies providing for each others needs.  Forgiveness, no matter what the wrong.

When applied by his first followers, Jesus teachings led to lives lived out in intense community and adventure.  They sold their belongings to take care of each other. They traveled the world, lived through assassination attempts and shipwrecks, knowing they might some day be fed to wild animals or burned alive.

What would a church look like that stopped manufacturing practical atheists, and instead created individuals who give their lives up for others with wild abandon?

5.  I’ve never seen God heal an amputee.

4. It’s hard for me to honestly reconcile my understanding of science with a literal interpretation of scripture.

3.  Life would be easier if I didn’t have my beliefs.

2.  Religion is responsible for some of the worst things ever.  The crusades, Apartheid, CCM.

1.  It’s hard to tell the difference between atheists and many Christians.

Across the country (even in Austin) 80% of Americans  self-identify as Christians.  Yet we don’t see churches busting at the seams, divorce rates plummeting and peace breaking out everywhere.

I’m not an atheist, but it seems like I’m meeting them more and more.  I’m not talking scientifically minded people who enjoy the angry rhetoric of Richard Dawkins and the like. I’m talking about those within the 80%, whose lifestyles, relationships and beliefs structure show no evidence of any life change resulting from following Jesus.

Many who self identify as Christians might as well be atheists. I see it most in my generation. They’ve heard the gospel.  They’ve been to church.  They just don’t care.  Might as well be atheists.

Why do you think that is?