Archives For Start

via @Growth_Mission

Start Night live tweeting beginning.

I visited a hipster Church in Austin. The kids sang Father Abraham had Many Mumford & Sons

What do you do when all the excuses for not chasing your dream are gone?

The most depressing hour of the week is Sunday at noon.

The Road to Awesome
Retirement is dead. Anyone can play. Hope is Boss.

Nobody accidents their way to mastery.

You used to believe you we’re awesome.
How brilliant of fear that it can plant a flag in 2nd grade & it defines our lives.

Covey said begin with the end in mind, not the end in stone.

Christians like to rank honeymoon sex just above the second coming.

Ready is a myth

April’s Top 10 Posts: It’s been another record month at Growth and Mission. I hope you’ve benefitted, and will…

Start before you’re ready. You can’t steer from the shore.

Never compare your beginnings to someone else’s middle.

When you start something new, you have permission to be horrible.

Beware what your voices tell you.

The weight of the heroes clothes are often heavier than the fear of the villains.

Inspiration without instruction is useless @DaveRamsey via @JonAcuff

Write your fears down. Follow it with one line of truth. Share it.

We need mirror friends who reflect back the truth to us.

If you can figure out the core of who you are, your job is just execution.

1 Insult + 1,000 Compliments = 1 Insult

Don’t try to turn haters into likers into people who love to support you.

Feedback is for improvement. Hate is to create a wound.