Archives For Year of Living Biblically

On my journey through 40 books in 2010, I have to say that A.J. Jacob’s Year of Living Biblically has been the most fun I’ve had so far.

The Esquire Magazine writer and “Immersion Journalist” shares a diary of experiences as an agnostic Jew attempting to live the Bible out as literally as possible.  This causes him to grow a tremendous beard, wear white, carry a walking stick and avoid his wife a few days out of the month.  It also causes him to consider the reality of sacredness, and his need for something beyond himself.

Christians expecting a Disney ending with tears and baptisms will be disappointed.  However, the life change recorded in this book is an experience I wish more believers were open to.

Jacobs takes the Bible very, very seriously.  He reads it daily, makes a list of the laws, and tries to take them literally.  This leads to some funny situations, occasionally points out the ridiculousness of religious literalism.  However, it mostly leads to a change in Jacob’s view of God, himself, community, and how he should live in the world.

I wish that more Christians would approach the word of God with the seriousness that Jacobs did.

Thanks to Trevor for turning me on to this book.