Archives For youth minister

We Can Do Better

Chris —  March 12, 2009

I’ve been reflecting on my recent reunion with four college friends who have since gone into full-time ministry.  We were each on our second or third church in five intervening, and we each had our horror stories. 

Why is it that those who devote their lives to leading the Church have so little to show for it?  Blame the minister-maybe they weren’t properly prepared, or had no business going into paid ministry.  Blame our denominational schools/institutions.  These guys run in Church of Christ circles, where there is no sort of “placement” system. Unsuspecting 20-somethings are left to desperately chase down a church job to pay off their college loans. Blame the church, for the cruel way they treat their servants.

Sure there is blame to go around, but we can do better!  What if young ministers were required to complete a hands-on discipleship/internship, instead of just going straight into full-time work? What if the ministers submitted to a coach that would help them grow organizational and relational skills?  What if elders, staff and lay leaders focused on developing these new leaders?  What if we were more concerned about the spiritual formation of our ministers and pastors than the politics which make it so hard to hold on to a young minister for a year or two?

What do you think we can do better at?