Why I Love Q

Chris —  May 1, 2009

I spent the first half of the week serving Land of a Thousand Hills coffee to participants in the third ever Q Conference.  I’ve been to all three, and plan on going next year.

I love Q because it asks questions and it offers solutions.  This years 18 minute talks ranged from the neccessity of nuclear disarmament to the spiritual implications of the cell phone.  Sometimes Q is groundbreaking (helping get TOMS Shoes off the ground) and sometimes it is controversial (this year’s interview with Ted and Gayle Haggard.)  But it always forces me to think.

Although I love the content, that’s not the most powerful part of Q.  It’s the participants.  It seems like all of them are starting a non-profit or designing t-shirts that save lives in Uganda.  It’s a bit overwhelming, and it’s easy to start thinking, “look how I’ve wasted my life!”

When I mentioned this to a new acquaintance named Jena over dinner, she said to me, “Don’t feel bad.  Feel inspired.”

And I do.

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