We Don’t Need Landfills Anymore

Chris —  May 16, 2009

I heard a recent speech former President Bill Clinton gave here in San Antonio about Clinton Global Initiative.  One thing he said that stood out was that we don’t need landfills anymore. 

Just watch the first 10 minutes of Slumdog Millionaire and you’ll realize what a disaster landfills can be in the sprawling megacities of the 21st Century.  They aren’t just a health hazard and an eyesore, they create huge amounts of methane, one of the worst greenhouse gases.  A few urban landfills are worse on the environment than most of our cars combined.

But we don’t need them.  When you pull out the recyclables, allow the organic material to decay, and burn the rest to create electricity, you’ve turned something ugly, dirty and harmful to something useful, and then get rid of it all together.

What else do we not need need anymore?  What has become so antiquated that it’s problematic?  What traditions in our churches grew out of time past, and are no longer necessary?

What habits have I picked up that I don’t need anymore.  What do I buy that’s useless?  What self-talk is rattling in my head, but is completely untrue?  What grudges do I need to let go of, and move on with my life? 

What are your landfills?

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